Other Photos from Five Rivers

Common Yellowthroat yelling "Witchety, witchety" at me.

Common Yellowthroat yelling “Witchety, witchety” at me.









Northern Cardinal

Northern Cardinal









Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularia) in breeding plumage

Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularia) in breeding plumage









Spotted Sandpiper in flight, showing wing and tail markings

Spotted Sandpiper in flight, showing wing and tail markings









No, I still can't resist getting shots of Tree Swallows!

No, I still can’t resist getting shots of Tree Swallows!









Eastern Painted Turtle in the water

Eastern Painted Turtle in the water









Eastern Chipmunk

Eastern Chipmunk









Well-camouflaged grasshopper on wood mulch

Well-camouflaged grasshopper on wood mulch









A geometrid moth larva, looping.

A geometrid moth larva, looping.









Spring Azure butterfly on the invasive plant, Garlic Mustard

Spring Azure butterfly on the invasive plant, Garlic Mustard









Spring Azure butterfly from above while feeding

Spring Azure butterfly from above while feeding









Wild Geranium

Wild Geranium








I believe this is Corn Speedwell (Veronica arvensis)

I believe this is Corn Speedwell (Veronica arvensis)










See also: ‘Here Be Dragons and Damsels‘ (same location & same day)

2 thoughts on “Other Photos from Five Rivers

  1. Pingback: Here be Dragons (and Damsels)! | Wildlife and Nature

  2. J. David Tholl

    You are clearly a man of many parts. Your photographs are beautiful. It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance, and I hope we can maintain communication, though the breadth of your skills is somewhat intimidating. My nickname is Dave, and my land line number is 781-444-9525.

    Thank you again for an extremely pleasant conversation today.

    Dave Tholl.


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