My father-in-law Bob kindly saved an article from yesterday’s Buffalo News for me, under the heading of ‘Peewee predators’. (Science Page [page H6], Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014).
It originated from the New York Times and focuses on recent research which rather surprisingly describes how useful salamanders are at helping to combat greenhouse gasses! Who would have thought it!
![Red-spotted Newt by J. Carmichael. [Wikimedia, Commons License]](
Red-spotted Newt by J. Carmichael. [Wikimedia, Commons License]
One small excerpt rather dramatically covers the ‘peewee predator’ aspect mentioned above, as follows: “Salamanders are the sharks of the leaf litter, cruising the waters and devouring smaller invertabrate animals. Evolution has discarded Plethodon’s lungs to make its mouth a more effective snare. By eliminating the windpipe and breathing through its skin, the slamander frees its maw to wrestle prey without pause for breath.”
Last but by no means least, I’m going to mention the Woods, Walks and Wildlife blog I came across, from Connecticut, which includes some really pleasing photographs of red-spotted newts and efts (the same species at different stages of life). Check it out!
21 April, 2014